Friday, October 28, 2016

What a Week!

It is hard to put into words the wonderful feeling and experiences we have had this week!  My testimony has been strengthened to a degree I never thought possible in only 5 days!  I wish I could bottle up this feeling and share it with everyone I know and love!  Mike and I both are pretty tired at the end of the day because we go to classes from 8 to 5.  It is like going to school all day.  We even have homework assignments.  We are absolutely loving this experience!  I know I speak for both of us when I say that if serving in Singapore is anything like being here, we are going to feel as though we have tasted a bit of heaven.


This is only about one-third of our group and it is funny how we’ve become good friends with almost all of them!


Mike was made a district leader for this group.  We learned a lot from one another. The Williams on the left are going to Fort Worth, Texas for their mission;  The Davidsons are going to Tonga and The Kalamas are going to Western Samoa.


The young sister in the middle, Sister Anderson, was one of our teachers; an amazing young lady


The couple in this picture are the Nelsons.  They asked if I knew his niece from Louisiana, Tawnya Richardson. Tawnya and I were very close friends when I lived in Gonzales, so that was pretty awesome.  Well the next day, I found out that Sister Nelson had a niece in Texas, Megan Nylander, who I was also very dear friends with.  Small, small world!

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